Productive Morning..
I have had a productive morning. I have managed to work one and a half jigsaw puzzles on my iPad ( only 144 pieces each – lest you get the idea I actually worked a 1000!word puzzle in 20 min) and sewed up a torn Barbie dress all while drinking 1/2 mug of tea. Since I was so on a roll, I decided to clean the toaster. Ladies, don’t ever get a flashlight and look all the way to the bottom of your toaster. It is a harrowing experience. Just slide out the little tray, clean it, turn the toaster over and whack it in the sink a few times to knock out the loose crumbs and call it clean. If you look inside you will spend the next thirty minutes trying to get the bottom off( I don’t have a screwdriver small enough to fit those tiny screws). I do not understand why anyone would design a kitchen appliance you can’t clean. I took a kitchen knife, stuck it in there and did my best to scrape all the crumbs out from between all those wires that pop the toast up. I know this next comment is sexist and I’ll probably start an international tirade of idiocy but it was probably designed by a man and certainly an engineer. (My dad was a man and sort of an engineer so I do love those kind of people.) Anyway, my advice for today is don’t look inside your toaster. I’ve never heard of anyone dying from toaster poisoning so just don’t go there. ????